Saturday, 5 June 2010

Doseon Sa Tour Part 4 – A Statue of a lost motherhood

Now, pack to Doseon Sa tour. After we moved past the scary four greeters in the “Entrance to Temple”, we are faced with a different kind of drama.

Statue of Lost Motherhood
Our knowledgeable professor, Dr. David informs us that this statue is not originated Korea, in fact, it is from Japan. It is relatively new, not more than 40 years old.
I know it is new since I was expecting to find a lot of ancient, old items during our visit. After 4~5 of asking the same question and getting a “no”, Dr. David told me “unless I tell you so, consider it new!” Then he explains that because of the many wars Koreas had, it is not easy to find art which is well preserved all those years, since the invaders have this nasty habit of bringing to the ground everything which happened to be in their way!
Since I just saw the Moguls greeting me in the entrance, I wasn’t very surprised… after all, we Arabs also suffered the wrath of Moguls long time ago, although they only visited us once, they erased a lot of our culture (see “fall of Bagdad” in 1258A.D), but the Moguls invaded Korea 6 times! and the total of times Korean was invaded in its recorded history is more than a thousand times! No wonder, then!
Anyway, this statue was erected as a way to pray for the souls of the unborn children who were aborted by mothers who chose not to become ones.
You can see the child reaching out to his mother in the bottom of the statue, and the unborn children in the bottom of the statue.
From 2010_05_15_Doseon-sa_Tour

From 2010_05_15_Doseon-sa_Tour            

From 2010_05_15_Doseon-sa_Tour

From 2010_05_15_Doseon-sa_Tour
Women still visit this place to put flowers and ask forgiveness from their would-have-been sons & daughters. The saddest part for is the number of flower bouquets which was put today.
From 2010_05_15_Doseon-sa_Tour
It is the price we have to pay for going forward?... I wonder...

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